
Monday, May 25, 2020

Lockdown Reflection

When I was younger… We went into lockdown. Because there was a horrible virus spreading around. Known as Covid-19. We didn’t think much of it because we only got cases in New Zealand from people who went overseas. But then it started spreading at a speed we couldn’t keep up with.

So, we went into lockdown for about two months. We were in level 4 for a while but then it went down slowly. Level 4, Level 3 and then Level 2. Where I was right now when I was making up this story/Writing this story. We haven’t gotten any cases for a while! I felt scared but then I felt happy because when I was in lockdown with my family, I got to spend more time with them. We were allowed to go on walks but we had to stay in our bubble. At least 1 meter apart. People put teddy bears in their window so people could spot the teddy bears in the window. It was like a little bear hunt. It kept us distracted from what was actually going on. 
When it was Level 2, we went back to school. I felt sad I had to go back to school but I was happy I got to see my friends.