
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Tokyo Olympics 2020

Tokyo Times

(This years Olympics is called 2020 because it was postponed last year because of covid-19)

Today we witnessed the Tokyo Olympics, Artistic Gymnastics. The country's that performed for us today were, Japan, People's republic of China, Republic of China, United states, Great Britain and Switzerland.

The men are doing flips, tumbles, vaults, handstands, splits and more! These men have a lot of talent that I can't even describe. It would take a lot of courage and confidence to build up to try out these dangerous and powerful activities. Imagine how much skill it takes!

They must've been practicing for years. Also, it would mean you would need some good memory to remember the whole routine! Overall, it was amazing and very fun to watch. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

My Holidays

In the holidays I did some fun things but this was one of my favourite things. It was really exciting for me because I haven't been there in years. When I got there, I could barely even recognize it! It has definitely changed a lot. When I first went in, I pet some eels, they feel really weird. They felt slimy and really smooth. Also, they were really cute because when they wanted food they would go up and open their mouths at us.

Next, I went and fed the ducks, I love ducks so much so it was really fun. My brother hand fed a duck but I was too scared so I didn't. Also I fed a deer and they were so cute! There was this one in the back with antlers (none of them had antlers) and it was just squinting at me and it was really funny. We moved on past some other birds like geese and swans and there was a big one that tried to go over the fence to peck and bite us and it was kinda scary, after that something hilarious happened. There was this one big white/grey bird and it was quite tall and I would say it was probably up to my waist, we threw food in front of it so it could eat but then it started running after us and flapping it's wings! It's really funny to look back on but it was kind of scary.

Then we saw some capybaras. They were just sleeping the whole time. I saw many other animals but it would take quite a while to describe my experience with them, so i'll just list them. Monkeys, lemurs, parrots, cockatoos, cows, pigs, goats and sheep. There was another really funny experience with this bird. I forgot what it was called but it had its own private area. When we went in we couldn't see it but all of a sudden it just flew at us! Thankfully, there was something to block it so it didn't attack us but we would go outside the room and wait till it went back to it's river then we would go back into the room and it would keep doing the same thing! We did this around three times but we didn't wanna make it anxious so we just left it alone.

After that, we saw the kiwis and their room was really relaxing because it was dark with this dim red light and you could hear water trickling down the stones and I think in that room there were around 5 of them? But I only saw one. It was sniffing the ground to look for food and overall it was quite interesting. Oh, also I fed some chickens and they were really cute. Then we got to the end! I really wanted to feed a duck because funny story, when I was little I was absolutely terrified of ducks and now I love them. So, I found a duck and fed it.

Everything there was so cool and such a great experience. I definitely recommend going there some time. Thank you for reading! 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Reflection Of My Term

 For most of the term, we were focusing on Early Polynesians and NZ History so, we went on special trips so we could see everything and what it looked like/ how it felt like. But also, we did other things like, Dancing like the stars and winter sport. So, I'm going to be summarizing my favourite things about this term. 

Winter Sport

Winter sport so far has been so fun. Last year, I wanted to do netball but sadly, I didn't get accepted. I practiced netball at home a lot but I never got any proper practice. So, this year I wasn't too keen on doing winter sport because I thought I was bad and I didn't really enjoy sport. But, I picked netball anyways because it was the only thing I was slightly interested in. Everyone got accepted to my surprise though! We started doing practice and I loved it. We don't really win but we try our hardest.

My Creation About NZ History

So, lately we have been learning about the history behind NZ and how they lived. To show my learning about NZ history, with Kora and Aria we decided to make an animation. But, we didn't liked how it was going because we were taking too long with it and honestly, it was kinda hard.

We did some thinking and then we decided on making a V-Hut. It only took around a week. First, we made the V-hut with wood that Nigel cut for us and glued popsicle sticks on. Second, we painted it brown let it dry. Then, we cut out some cardboard and painted it green. While we waited for it to dry, we collected some small rocks to make a mini fireplace. By the time we finished gluing the rocks together, the base already dried, it took kind of long to glue the rocks together because they kept falling apart but eventually, we got it. 

So then, we started the main gluing parts. We glued the V-Hut to the green base then, we glued the mini fireplace to the corner. But, we only had around 20 minutes to finish since we switched up kind of late. We didn't know what to use for the fire so I went to look around the classroom for ideas. Then, I saw the mandarin basket. Suddenly, I remembered I had mandarin peels in my lunchbox so, I know it sounds stupid but we got the mandarin peels and got some scissors to scratch the white stuff underneath. Then, we cut the mandarin peels into triangles so it could at least look okay.

After all of that, we went outside to get some leaves off the ground and glued them to make it look less plain. Then, we were finished! We were all proud of ourselves because after all, we did switch up late.

Here's a picture of our creation:

Friday, July 2, 2021