
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Interview with Nevaeh and Willow

 We had to make an interview with someone who was involved with the Treaty of Waitangi. Our group chose William Hobson. Next, we chose who was the interviewers. Then we recorded. I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Polynesians Come To NZ

The Polynesians came from Hawaiki and traveled to New Zealand in 1320-1350 from East Polynesia, they traveled by using people called navigators that were trained from birth and used the stars, tides and more to navigate the island (New Zealand). They also came in wakas/canoes. The Polynesians traveled to New Zealand because they found out that there was another island out there and they wanted to explore it.

When the Polynesians settled in. They used the word ¨Maori¨ instead of Polynesians and they started to hunt animals to eat, like: Birds, fish and shellfish. The Maori were expert hunters and growers, They wove fishing nets with flax and carved fishhooks with bones and stones. 


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Was Coming To NZ A Good Decision For Everyone?

Was coming to New Zealand a good decision for everyone?

Was coming to New Zealand a good decision for everyone? In my opinion, I believe that it wasn’t a good decision for everyone but maybe it was for a lot of people. I disagree and agree in a way because..

First of all, the Europeans made the Maori sign the Treaty of Waitangi without giving the Maori a full translation of what it actually said and I think that’s unfair. For the Maori, they thought that signing the treaty would bring equality and peace but in reality, it meant that they would be treated unfairly and lose land.

Secondly, the Europeans brought diseases with them. Along with them they brought “New animals, crop plants, parasites and diseases.” When the Europeans arrived in New Zealand, they brought diseases like measles and the flu. Since the Maori lacked immunity to these diseases, many people died. Early settlements usually did not have clean water and sewerage systems, so it made diseases very common.

But also, this is a point of why I kind of agree. The Europeans brought different animals with them. As it says above this, they brought new animals. I think that’s a good thing because we have more animals to learn about and maybe some of the animals we have today, we wouldn’t have if the Europeans didn’t bring them.

The animals the European missionaries and later settlers brought with them were, Cattle, sheeps and pigs as a source of food, horses and bullocks to break in farmland and transport people and goods. They also brought cats to control rodents and pests and dogs to assist with sheep farming.

So, in conclusion, I agree and disagree. But I probably disagree more because they brought diseases and my main reason for disagreeing is because the Europeans didn’t give the full translation to the Treaty Of Waitangi.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Abandoned Train Track


I'm walking in a deep dark forest with light shining from beyond the tall trees. Across from me is a long rusty train track covered in spongy green moss and below it is a cliff that looks like it goes down forever. It looks abandoned because no one would go on that and guarantee that it's safe. I like the thrill of knowing that I could fall any second. So, I put one foot down onto the wood plank and lift my other foot onto another plank.

I start to take slow steps across and I can hear the big deep creaks in the track as I take a step. I can feel the adrenaline rush through me as a gush of wind nearly blows me off the track. I start to catch my balance and take quicker steps and grow confident in walking on the track. The moss makes it even more slippery but I don't mind. I'm at the point where I'm in the middle of it so if I fell I would fall to my death. I don't know why but I don't get scared easily, or even at all. 

I'm having so much fun. I feel so relaxed, being all alone in a beautiful misty forest. Every once and a while there will be a burst of wind almost strong enough to push me off but it's not and I'm surrounded by so many trees that I can only see a small glimpse of the gray sky. It's not that bright and blue today because it rained today but now it's at the point where it's just lightly spitting. It's quite refreshing actually. This is one of the best places I've ever been because it's so relaxing.

All of a sudden, I hear a loud train coming from behind me. I thought it was abandoned? Maybe I'm enjoying this so much that it's in my imagination now. It starts to get louder so I panic. What do I do? If I run I'll slip and if I go back I'll most likely get hit by the train because of how fast it is and I don't wanna take that risk. I turn around and scream. The trains right there. Everything goes black.

I suddenly wake up sweating. That was a horrible nightmare.